Present continuous tense
Přítomný čas průběhový vyjadřuje děj, který probíhá právě teď, v tuto chvíli.
My daddy is watching
His grandpa are sitting
The boys helping
Mummy cooking
Peggy, Tom, Jack, Jane cleaning
This house standing
Your cat eating
My sister working
My parents sleeping
My friends going
apod. apod.
Podmět tvar slovesa „to be“ + not význam. sloveso
s příponou -ing
I am not washing up.
My children are not, aren´t learning.
Tvar slovesa „to be“ podmět význam. sloveso
s příponou -ing ?
Is Jack waiting ?
Are they drawing ?
Am I looking ?
Kladné I am helping my brother.
Lucy is watching TV.
He is dancing.
They are going to school.
Záporné Tom is not playing rugby.
She is not washing up.
I´m not cleaning my teeth.
My parents aren´t waiting for a bus.
Otázky Are you learning English ?
Is Tom drawing a picture ?
Are your friends playing tennis ?
Is she cooking lunch ?